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Sun, Nov 08


Virtual Sacred Healing Circle & Conference

Akan ~ Ausarian ~ Yoruba Educational/Informative Conference Session: 10:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. Sacred Healing Circle Rituals: 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.


Time & Location

Nov 08, 2020, 10:00 AM – 5:30 PM EST

Virtual Sacred Healing Circle & Conference

About the Event

The African Traditional Spiritual Coalition


Sacred Healing Circle and Conference

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Conference: 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM

Sacred Healing Circle: 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Akan ~ Ausarian ~ Yoruba



Admission is FREE and Open to the Public

Your generous donations are greatly appreciated

For information: Akua Oparebea Johnson - (240) 355-6962

Nana Kofi Asinor Boakye I - (301) 773-8925 (leave a message)


AFRICAN TRADITIONAL SPIRITUAL COALITION (ATSC) THEME: "LETTING GO" The theme that was received for this year’s Sacred Healing Circle and Conference . One of the main problems in the world today is people’s inability to let go. Whether it be people, places or things, Forgiveness is one of the most difficult values to understand and carry out. When you truly forgive, you let go of all the demons, issues, pain associated with that person or thing and you free up energy to move on and be successful. People hold on to stuff because it is convenient, sometimes easier (they think), don’t know what letting go looks like, and don’t know what to do when they let go of that energy because it has been so long. They feel lost and don’t have replacements in place. Letting go is work and you have to be prepared to do it and deal with the consequences. Conference 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM This year’s Sacred Healing Circle and Conference will focus three (3) categories of “Letting Go”. The Conference, presented in the morning, will include presentations that address the following topics: Physical: 1. How we keep our physical space – house, office, yard, environment. We hold on to material things that have no value except sometimes emotional but take away energy from us. Sometimes the clutter leads to confusion, chaos, and financial difficulties. Clean space provides clarity, peace of mind, being able to think and process information better, better memory and happiness. 2. Financial – The stressors we put on ourselves to own things for the sake of owning and the distress that comes with it because we won’t let it go. Mental/emotional: 1. Forgiveness – forgiving yourself and others2. Relationships – solving conflicts, mending relationships, not keeping the issue going or holding things in. Allowing God and others in your life. 3. Grief and Loss: Re-traumatizing the self and others around you when you don’t let go. Spiritual: Letting go and letting God 1. Giving up control to a power greater than oneself 2. Forgiveness (asking and receiving) from WHOM? 3. Trusting – when you place yourself in a position to trust others, you have to let go 4. Faith – That someone will take care of you, maybe better than you yourself 5. The afternoon session will involve each tradition to engage in rituals of letting go from their perspectives. Participants will leave with several strategies to utilize to help them let go and let God and lead successful lives. Rituals could include songs, dances, and/or baths for the purpose of letting go. Sacred Healing Circle 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM The Sacred Healing Circle will be presented in the afternoon and will consist of each tradition/Spiritual Path will present their perspective of “Letting Go” through the rituals they present using songs, dances and/or spiritual baths. Participants will have the opportunity to receive several strategies to utilize to help them ‘let go and let God’ and to lead successful lives.

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The African Traditional Spiritual Coalition (ATSC) is a unified group of Traditional Spiritual Houses that were brought together in response to the vision/message received by Chief Iya N’Ifa Ifoarinoola Efunyale (Pamela Mother Taylor) in 1999. 

Since its inception, the African Traditional Spiritual Coalition has hosted several Sacred Healing Circles that have been led by the Akan, Ausar Auset, Sangoma, Yoruba and Vodoun communities.

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